Trek Disclaimer

As you prepare for your Fell Pony Adventure, we are thrilled to have you on board. We are dedicated to providing an unforgettable experience and committed to your safety and well-being.

Before embarking on your adventure, it is important for us to outline the purpose of this disclaimer form. This document ensures that you are fully informed about the nature of your Fell Pony Adventure, the inherent risks involved, and the safety measures we have put in place.

Our aim is to offer an immersive hands-on experience conducted within the highest standards of safety and professionalism. By understanding and acknowledging the contents of this disclaimer, you help us create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

Access to Risk Assessments:

We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety for all our participants. To achieve this, our risk assessments are conducted ahead of your adventure by our horse handlers and Mountain Leaders.

These assessments are tailored according to the specific conditions of each trek to ensure maximum safety and preparedness.

Please be aware that a copy of our risk assessments is available upon request. This allows you to understand the measures and considerations we have in place for the safety of the experience.

On the day of your adventure, our staff will talk through the risks involved and the ways to mitigate those risks. By partaking in this adventure, you acknowledge that you have been made aware of the risks and are content with the measures taken for your safety.