Episode 15. Charlie and Gina Parker

Charlie Parker is a horseman and forester who is one of a handful of horse loggers keeping this ancient art alive, and together with his wife Gina breeds the Roandale Dales ponies.

Snigging timber

Show notes

Charlie describes the Roandale stud and farm and the rarer colours of Dales that they breed.

Gina was brought up in Kirkby Lonsdale with working Gallowa’s.

Charlie started his working life working machines in forestry but took a turn when he went on a course to learn snigging (extracting timber with horses).

Learning the ropes with George Read and getting a pony broken to pulling timber.

Starting a breeding herd of Dales ponies and Wharfedale Prince Regent and their bay-roan strain.

The roan strain in Fell ponies.

Movement rather than action - a ground-covering and economical trot.

The differences between Fell and Dales

The history of the Dales pony

The war horse

The formation of the Dales Pony Improvement Society

F.I.S Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Hardiness and the future of the breed

60 Dales ponies join The Presidents Ride to Barnard castle

Keeping ponies in work

The Presidents ride to Barnard Castle

Haytime with ponies